Business Studies (Deleted Portion)-2021
Business Studies
(Code No. 054)
Part A: Principles and Functions of Management
Unit 3: Business Environment
- Demonetization - concept
- Impact of Government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization in India
Unit 4: Planning
Biology (Deleted Portion)-2021
(Code No. 044)
Under Unit-VI Reproduction
Chapter-1: Reproduction in Organism
• Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; modes of reproduction - asexual and sexual reproduction; asexual reproduction - binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Biotechnology (Deleted Portion)-2021
(Code No. 045)
Accountancy (Deleted Portion)-2021
Part A: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and Companies
Unit 2: Accounting for Partnership Firms
Accounting for Partnership firms - Reconstitution and Dissolution.
Admission of a partner - adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of
balance sheet.
Skill Subject: Salesmanship
Part B: Vocational Skills
- Unit 1 - Sales Organization
- Unit 2 - Inside Selling / Store Based Selling
- Unit 3 - Field Selling
- Unit 4 - Motivation & Compensation for Salesperson
Time: 3 Hours; Marks: 60
1. Sales Organization
- Introduction to Sales Organization.
- Functions and Factors affecting Sales Structure.
- Classification of Sales Organization.
2. Inside Selling / Store Based Selling
Skill Subject: Music Production
This course is designed to enable students to learn about the technical aspects of music production such as how to use digital workstations.
Music production students need to learn about the music business. The students will gain skills in recording studios and performance venues and get on track to a career in technical production.
Skill Subject: Business Administration
Part B: Vocational Skills
- Unit 1 – Introduction to Management
- Unit 2 –Concept of Management
- Unit 3 – Functions of Management
- Unit 4 – Communication
- Unit 5 – Motivation
- Unit 6 – Leadership
- Unit 7 – Social Responsibility of Business
- Unit 8 – Information Technology and Business
Time: 3 Hours; Marks: 60
1. Introduction to Management
Skill Subject: Food Nutrition & Dietetics
Part A: Employability Skills
- Unit 1: Communication Skills
- Unit 2: Self-Management Skills
- Unit 3: Basic ICT Skills
- Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills
- Unit 5: Green Skills
Part B: Vocational Skills
- Unit 1: Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition
- Unit 2: Diet in Health and Disease: cause, physiological conditions, clinical symptoms and dietary management
- Unit 3: Diet in Health and Disease: II
- Unit 4: Food Safety and Quality Control
Part C: Practical
- Viva
Skill Subject: Mass Media Studies
This course aims at grooming the natural talent of students and exposing them to ever-changing skills needed in the media and entertainment industry with hands-on experience.
Skill Subject: Library and Information Science
Library & Information Science Course at Senior Secondary level will fulfill the requirement of developing necessary skills, in learners to identify, locate, evaluate and use the required information efficiently. One of the important aspects of the curriculum is to improve the education system for Library and Information Science at school level.
Skill Subject: Fashion Studies
The purpose of the course ‘Fashion Studies’ is to tell the students about the fundamentals of Fashion Design. Fashion Design as a profession includes the entire process of designing and producing fashion apparels from the fibre and yarn stage to the finished product.
This course will give an overview of fashion design and elaborate on different aspects like elements of design, history of fashion, fabrics, and understanding of the body, pattern development and garment construction. Fashion is a big business and key driver for several industries.
Skill Subject: Applied Mathematics
Syllabus of Applied Mathematics has been designed with an intention to orient the students towards the mathematical tools relevant in life. Special efforts has been made in order to connect it’s application in various fields, so that, students who are opting for Social Science based subjects or Commerce based subjects or skill based subjects at senior secondary level can also fulfill their urge of learning mathematics joyfully.
Skill Subject: Applied Chemistry
Skill Subject: Applied Physics
Applied Physics
Skill Subject: Media Class
An Animator is an artist who creates multiple images, which when displayed in rapid sequence give an illusion of movement called animation. An Animator needs to refer to the concept of artwork prepared by animation artists to produce a sequence of 2D or 3D images by producing multiple images called frames, which when sequenced together rapidly create an illusion of movement.
Skill Subject: Taxation
Part B: Skills
- Unit 1 - Deductions from Gross Total Income
- Unit 2 - Computation of Tax Liability of an Individual
- Unit 3 - TDS and Advance Payment Tax
- Unit 4 - Goods & Service Tax (GST)
Unit 1 - Deductions from Gross Total Income
Skill Subject: Cost Accounting
Part B: Skills
- Unit 1 - Single or Output Costing
- Unit 2 - Job and Batch Costing
- Unit 3 - Contract Costing
- Unit 4 - Process Costing
- Unit 5 - Operating or Service Costing
- Unit 6 - Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts
1. Single or Output Costing
- Components of Cost for Output Costing.
- Cost Sheet.
- Production Account.
- Treatment of Stock and Scrap.
2. Job and Batch Costing
Skill Subject: Office Procedures and Practices
The course is designed to enable students is become proficient in the skill of Office Procedures. Office work includes supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication & organizational skills. They are responsible for most front-office procedures, such as photocopying, faxing, scheduling, word processing, filing, greeting clients, mail sorting and phone call routing.
Skill Subject: Shorthand English
The students are enabled to complete the Shorthand course. Shorthand writers are employed on the various posts such as Stenographers, Personal Assistants (PAs), Senior Personal Assistants (SPAs). Private Secretaries (PSs), Reporters in State Legislatures and in both the Houses of Parliament, and Press Reporters all over the world. Shorthand knowing persons are employed in large numbers and this subject has been recognized in every part of the world.
Skill Subject: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
After successfully completing these two years of Senior Secondary skill course, the student would have acquired relevant appropriate and adequate technical knowledge together with the professional skills and competencies in the field of Air conditioning and Refrigeration Technology so that they will be able to properly equipped to take up gainful employment in this sector.
Total Marks: 100 (Theory - 60 and Practical - 40)