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1. To provide candidates with the knowledge of
various fibres and the fabrics.
2. To develop in candidates an interest in the various
processes to make the best use of materials.
3. To provide candidates with the basic principles
regarding the making of garments.
4. To develop in candidates a sense of appreciation
and creative expression in the making of clothes.
There will be one paper of two hours duration carrying
100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks.


4. To foster team spirit amongst the youth and avoid
unhealthy competition.
1. To enable young people to generate an
understanding of the principles of yogic practices
so as to improve quality of life.
5. To develop appreciation for Indian cultural
practices that support meaningful and relevant
educational strategies.
2. To develop the ability to perform appropriate
yogic asanas so as to improve physical and mental
conditions and emotional equilibrium.


1. Understanding the basics of Markets and
2. Understanding Finance
(a) Definition of markets and marketing – with
examples from consumer goods, consumer
(a) Elementary understanding of Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
GAAP to be explained - Entity concept,
duality concept, matching concept, money-
measurement concept, going concern concept.
A clear understanding of markets (wherever a
buy and sell takes place is a market);
examples of non-traditional markets such as


1. Introduction to Commercial Organisations
(a) Definition and basic understanding of terms
like commerce, business, industry, trade,
organization, firm and company. Meaning of
commercial organisations.
A basic understanding of the terms and their
distinctions using relevant industry examples.
(b) Classification
according to activities,
objectives and ownership structures.
Different industrial groupings need to be
explained like: Textile industry, FMCG (fast
moving consumer goods), etc. Many examples


1. Demand and Supply: Basic Concepts
Demand - Meaning and Types of Demand
Supply - Meaning
Law of demand and supply: demand and supply
schedule and curve (both individual and market);
movement and shift of the demand and supply
curve; determinants of demand and supply;
exceptions to the law of demand.
Meaning of Demand and Supply. Types of
Demand (Joint Demand, Derived Demand and
Composite Demand).
A basic understanding of the law of demand and
supply in which demand and supply schedules are


1. Basic Concepts of Economics
(i) Meaning and definition of Economics;
Economic entities: Consumer, Producer,
Households and Government. The importance
of these economic entities. The meaning of an
economy and role of the economic entities.
A basic understanding of the concepts of
economics. The definitions of economics with
reference to allocation of resources and
scarcity of resources (Robbins, Samuelson).
Basic explanation of the role of consumer,
producer, government and households in an


1. Revision of Class IX Syllabus
(i) Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
concepts, (ii) Elementary Concept of Objects and
Classes, (iii) Values and Data types, (iv) Operators
in Java, (v) Input in Java, (vi) Mathematical
Library Methods, (vii) Conditional constructs in
Java, (viii) Iterative constructs in Java, (ix) Nested
for loops.
2. Class as the Basis of all Computation
Objects and Classes
Objects encapsulate state and behaviour
numerous examples; member variables; attributes

EVALUATION Proposed Guidelines for Marking

The teacher should use the criteria below to judge the
internal work done. Basically, four criteria are being
suggested: class design, coding and documentation,
variable description and execution or output. The
actual grading will be done by the teacher based on
his/her judgment. However, one possible way: divide
the outcome for each criterion into one of 4 groups:
excellent, good, fair/acceptable, poor/unacceptable,
then use numeric values for each grade and add to get
the total.
Class design:

Programming Assignments (Class IX)

This segment of the syllabus is totally practical
oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic
programming skills quickly and efficiently.
Programming Assignments (Class IX)
Students are expected to do a minimum of
20 assignments during the whole year to reinforce the
concepts studied in the class.
Suggested list of Assignments:
The laboratory assignments will form the bulk of the
course. Good assignments should have problems
which require design, implementation and testing.


Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

(i) Principles of Object Oriented Programming,
(Difference between Procedure Oriented and
Object oriented).
All the four principles of Object Oriented
Programming should be defined and
explained using real life examples (Data
abstraction, Inheritance,
(ii) Introduction to JAVA Types of java
programs - Applets and Applications, Java
Compilation process, Java Source code, Byte

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