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This segment of the syllabus is totally practical
oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic
programming skills quickly and efficiently.
Programming Assignments (Class IX)
Students are expected to do a minimum of
20 assignments during the whole year to reinforce the
concepts studied in the class.
Suggested list of Assignments:
The laboratory assignments will form the bulk of the
course. Good assignments should have problems
which require design, implementation and testing.
They should also embody one or more concepts that
have been discussed in the theory class. A
significant proportion of the time has to be spent in the
laboratory. Computing can only be learnt by doing.
The teacher-in-charge should maintain a record of all
the assignments done as a part of practical work
throughout the year and give it due credit at the time
of cumulative evaluation at the end of the year.

Some sample problems are given below as examples.
The problems are of varying levels of difficulty:
(i) Programs using Assignment statements.
Example: Calculation of Area / Volume /
Conversion of temperature/Swapping of values
(ii) Programs based on- Input through parameters.
Example: Implementation of standard formula
(iii) Programs based on - Input through Scanner
Example: Implementation of standard formula
(iv) Programs based on Mathematical methods.
Example: larger/smaller of two numbers, cube
root, square root, absolute value, power, etc.
(v) Programs based on if, if else, if else if ladder,
nested if etc.
(a) if programs

(b) if - else programs

Odd or even number
Eligibility to vote
Upper case or lower case
Positive or negative number
Vowel or Consonant
Buzz number etc

(c) if-else-if programs

Menu Driven programs.
Programs based on discount/interest/
bonus/ taxes/ commission.
Programs based on slab system.
Programs based on Nested if.
(a) Day of a week
(b) Name of the month
(c) Names of the seasons
(d) Calculator
(e) Vowel or consonant etc.

vii) Programs based on Looping Statement
(a) Programs based on for looping statement.
(b) Programs based on printing simple series,
summation of simple series, product of
simple series.
(c) Prime number, perfect number, composite
number, Fibonacci series. Lowest Common
Multiple (LCM), Highest Common Factor
(HCF) etc.
(d) To find the biggest and smallest number
from n number of entered numbers.
(e) Program based on while loop like
Armstrong number, Spy number, Niven
number, Palindrome number, etc.
(viii) Programs
based on nested loops
[rectangular, triangular(right angled triangle
only) patterns], series involving single variable.
(ix) Generate first n multiples of numbers from 1 to
the limit input by the user.
(x) Menu Driven programs.
Important: This list is indicative only. Teachers and
students should use their imagination to create
innovative and original assignments.
(vii) Programs based on Looping Statement
(a) Programs based on for looping statement.
(b) Programs based on printing simple series,
summation of simple series, product of
simple series.
(c) Prime number, perfect number, composite
number, Fibonacci series. Lowest Common
Multiple (LCM), Highest Common Factor
(HCF) etc.
(d) To find the biggest and smallest number
from n number of entered numbers.
(e) Program based on while loop like
Armstrong number, Spy number, Niven
number, Palindrome number, etc.
(viii) Programs
based on nested loops
[rectangular, triangular(right angled triangle
only) patterns], series involving single variable.
(ix) Generate first n multiples of numbers from 1 to
the limit input by the user.
(x) Menu Driven programs.
Important: This list is indicative only. Teachers and
students should use their imagination to create
innovative and original assignments