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Exam Structure

In order to upgrade the skills and proficiency of the young generation and also to provide them awareness to explore about various career options the CBSE has started offering 40 courses at Senior Secondary level. The skill education envisions imparting the procedural knowledge and skills to the students that will enable students to excel and emerge successful in real situation of both work and life.

It works towards imparting an education that is holistic, meaningful and skill oriented which instils among the youth a sense of usefulness and responsibility. You can choose either one or two or three skill subjects from skill electives. You have to choose other elective subjects from academic electives.

Subjects that cannot be taken together

  • Physics (042) and Applied Physics (838)
  • Chemistry (043) and Applied Chemistry (839)
  • Mathematics (041) and Applied Mathematics (840)
  • Informatics Practice (065) and Information Technology (802) or Web Application (803)
  • Business Studies (054) and Business Administrations (833)

A retailer is one who stocks the manufactured goods and is involved in the act of selling to the final customer or consumer, at a margin of profit. Retailing is the last link that connecting the individual consumer with the manufacturing and distribution chain. It adds value in terms of bulk breaking and providing a wide variety of goods and services to customers as per their needs.

Part B: Vocational Skills (50 Marks)

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Retailing

  • 1. Describe the fundamental of retailing
  • 2. Describe the role of sales associate
  • 3. Skills for handling retail by sales associate
  • 4. List out the duties and responsibilities of sales associate

Unit 2: Process of Credit Application

  • 1. List the features and conditions for credit sales
  • 2. Identify the credit checks and getting authorization
  • 3. Describe the process of credit requisitions
  • 4. Demonstrate the techniques for determining credit worthiness

Unit 3: Mechanism for Customers to Choose Right Products

  • 1. Identify the methods of selling in retail formats
  • 2. Find out the sales promotion activities in retail store/mall
  • 3. Respond to the questions and comments of customers in retail store/mall
  • 4. Demonstrate the techniques of closing the sale in retail store/mall

Unit 4: Specialist Support to Customers

  • 1. Demonstrate the product information to the customers
  • 2. Explain the techniques to encourage customers to buy the products
  • 3. List out the steps involving to provide personalized service
  • 4. Maintain the post sale service support for attracting customers to resale the products in their retail store/mall

Unit 5: Health and Safety Management

  • 1. Describe the Health and Safety Requirements
  • 2. List the Equipment and Materials
  • 3. Dealing with Accidents and Emergencies
  • 4. Reporting Accidents and Emergencies

Syllabus for Class