In order to upgrade the skills and proficiency of the young generation and also to provide them awareness to explore about various career options the CBSE has started offering 40 courses at Senior Secondary level. The skill education envisions imparting the procedural knowledge and skills to the students that will enable students to excel and emerge successful in real situation of both work and life.
It works towards imparting an education that is holistic, meaningful and skill oriented which instils among the youth a sense of usefulness and responsibility. You can choose either one or two or three skill subjects from skill electives. You have to choose other elective subjects from academic electives.
Subjects that cannot be taken together
- Physics (042) and Applied Physics (838)
- Chemistry (043) and Applied Chemistry (839)
- Mathematics (041) and Applied Mathematics (840)
- Informatics Practice (065) and Information Technology (802) or Web Application (803)
- Business Studies (054) and Business Administrations (833)
After successfully completing the two year of senior secondary vocational course, the student would have acquired relevant appropriate and adequate technical knowledge together with the professional skills and competencies in the field of Electronics so that he or she is properly equipped to take up gainful employment in this Vocational.
Part B: Vocational Skills (50 Marks)
1. Overview of Atom, Sub-Atomic Particles and CRO (5 Marks)
- Brief History of Electronics.
- Atom and its elements, Bohr Atomic model, Atomic energy level.
- Electron, Force, Field intensity, Potential, Energy, current, current density, Ionization potential.
- Electric field, Magnetic field, Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic field.
- Overview of CRO, Electronic and Magnetic deflection in CRO, Applications.
2. Voltage and Current (10 Marks)
- Resistance, Ohm’s law, V-I Characteristics, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors.
- Voltage and Current sources, Symbols and Graphical representation, Conversion of current and voltage sources.
- Overview of AC, DC, Cells and Batteries, Energy and Power.
3. Basics of Semiconductor (15 Marks)
- Semiconductor materials, Energy band structure of Insulators, Metals and Semiconductors, Energy gap, Field and Photo-electric emission.
- Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductor, N-type and P-type semiconductor, Drift current, Diffusion current and Total current, Mobility of charges, Effects of temperature on Conductivity of semiconductor.
- PN junction diode, depletion layer, potential barrier, Forward & Reverse bias, V-I Characteristic, Effects of temperature, Resistance levels, Breakdown in Junction diode, Zener diode, Photo diode, LED, Types and applications of diode.
- Diode as a rectifier, Half wave and full wave rectification, Voltage multipliers, Zener diode Regulator.
- Special information – (Introduction to Filters, Clippers, Clampers).
4. Bipolar Junction Transistor (10 Marks)
- Construction and operation of NPN and PNP transistors, Biasing of BJT.
- CB, CE and CC configuration, Characteristics and transistor parameters for CB, CE, CC configuration.
- Introduction to FET, JFET, MOSFET, CMOS and VMOS, Characteristics of various transistors, Comparison of various transistors.
5. Transistor Amplifier and Applications (10 Marks)
- Introduction, Single and Multi stage amplifiers, General amplifier characteristics, Feedbacks in amplifier.
- Introduction to Oscillators, Multi-Vibrators and Signal generator.
- Special information - (Introduction to Thyristors, PNPN diode, SCR, LASCR, DIAC, TRIAC).
Syllabus for Class