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Exam Structure

Sr. No. Topics No. of Periods
1. Raga classification in General 5
2. Raga lakshanas of Suddha Saveri, Sriranjani, Kambhoji,
Abhogi, Nata, Hindolam and Hari Kambhoji
3. Writing notations of Adi tala Varna in two speeds and
Gi t am s set in Roopaka tala.
4. An outline knowledge of 72 Melakartas 5
5. Detailed knowledge of musical forms Kriti,Jatisvaram and
6. Life sketch and contribution of Lalgudi Jayaram and M.S. Gopala
Krishnan, S. Balachandar & T.R. Mahalingam
7. Basic knowledge of opted instrument 2
Total Periods 40

Syllabus for Class